The easiest way to discover and book guests for your productions

Join and connect with over 2,500 active guests in over 100 niches ready to collaborate on compelling conversations.
MatchMaker for Production Companies

Find the experts on the subjects you need.

Discover a diverse range of amazing guests across 100+ specialist interests, all ready for their next collaboration.

Find guests, faster

Connect with experts open to talking the talk, directly in-app.

Discover opportunities

Easily find other podcasters open to content collaborations & promo-swaps.

Diverse perspectives

Browse and connect with guests from over 100 specialist interests.

Build authority and entertain

Add weight to your stories by bringing in interesting voices and expert opinions.

Grow your audience and network

Join over 70,000 people ready and willing to collaborate for mutual growth and benefits.
Real people. Real stories.

Connect, Collaborate & Grow. Together.

Join over 50,000 like-minded individuals using to grow audiences, collaborate on content, and spark compelling conversations.

How It Works

The easiest way to find and book the perfect guests for your Productions.

Sign up and set your profile up for success.

Tell the community what your show is all about, what you are looking for in a guest and disclose any associated fee's.
Add a video pitch to introduce the real you.
Create a profile from scratch or import existing podcasts via Apple Podcasts.
An example show profile

Be matched with and discover, amazing guests for your shows.

Auto-magic matches based on your profile & interests, refreshed weekly!
Search and filter our community of over 2,500 guests across 100+ niches.
Shortlist and manage your potential collaborators with custom favourite lists.
Example guest profiles

Chat, collaborate and book.
All in one place.

Manage all of your conversations in one unified inbox.
Setup and integrate your scheduling tool of choice to invite members in-app and recieve feedback on your bookings.
Use custom labels to organise your outreach to suit your workflow.
A view of MatchMakers inbox

Book more with

Community Posts

Create a post on our community board and get extra help with your show's goals.

Mobile Messenger Apps

Manage your conversations on-the-go with our dedicated mobile app. Available for iOS and Android.

Create A Guest Profile

Find other shows open to Content Collaborations and Ad-Swaps for mutual growth.

Proud to get the conversations started!

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more? Get in touch

What happens if I hit my conversation limit during my trial?
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While you’ll still be able to message on existing conversations, you will have to wait until the next refresh period (monthly - based on your sign up date) before you can start any outbound conversations. You can still receive inbound messages and converse on those during this time.

Can I charge for appearances and/or bookings?
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That's completely up to you! Guest and Show profiles can add their rates and fees along with any associated disclaimers. It's important to disclose these upfront as there is a healthy mix of upcoming and established guests and shows within our community and transparency is highly valued.

What if I represent multiple people and/or need more guest profiles?
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Check out our agency plan where you can create and manage up to 10 guest profiles, connecting and collaborating with our community on behalf of your people. Find out more

Can I have a show and guest profile?
Expand Answer

Yes! And we actively encourage you to do so. It's a great way for shows to share their experiences and set up potential collaborations.

I have another question!
Expand Answer

Our support team is more than happy to help. Contact us at [email protected]. We are based in the UK and operate between 8am - 5pm GMT. Response times may vary.

Try free for 30 days.
Go Pro from $15 per month!

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Trials can start 5 conversations
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