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Jawaad Khan

“A Muslim comedy author who writes funny short stories with a Muslim voice. NO OLD LADIES IN JANNAH available on Amazon.”


About Me

My name’s Jawaad Khan and I’m a Muslim comedy author—I just published my first collection of comedic short stories titled “No Old Ladies in Jannah.”

I’ve been writing for over a decade, and serve as a board member, writer and literary editor of Muslim Youth Musings, a literary nonprofit that empowers young Muslims to be forerunners in thoughtful reflection by fostering community, mentoring writers, and publishing literature.

I’ve worked with the Muslim community for many years as a youth org director, nonprofit program coordinator, fund development consultant (through, and most recently a nonprofit Operations Manager with Muslim Legal Fund of America.

I graduated from film school at the University of Miami and have spent years working to write, produce, and create Muslim media in various ways (a Muslim TV network, shows & video content with Imam Wisam Sharieff, and working on videos with Qalam Institute and other orgs). It’s been an underlying dream and mission of mine to put out more literature & media with Muslim voices, and to support projects that do just that.

I’ve been a podcast producer myself (Muslim Moms Podcast, Muslim Film Club), and would be eager to join discussions about the film/tv/media landscape, book podcasts that feature authors of color (I’m West Indian, specifically Guyanese) and different religious backgrounds, or Muslim-themed podcasts.

please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I’d love to talk to you!

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No Old Ladies in Jannah: Short Stories by Jawaad Khan

Muslim Youth Musings

A literary magazine featuring riveting short stories, poetry, memoirs, and other literature genres written by Muslim youth across the world!

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