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Whispers of the Norse

“A modern-day, Celtic/Norse Shaman that provides guidance and wisdom according to ancient teachings, and enjoys teaching others.”


Spirituality Education How to Self-Improvement Mental Health Nature Religion & Spirituality Paranormal Religion Philosophy


Ancient Teachings to Encourage, Enlighten, and Empower.

A modern-day practicing Úlfhe∂nar sworn to Ódinn of Asgard, Dr. Weisman applies ancient beliefs and understanding to modern-day issues through the process of spiritual channeling his ancestors. He produces a weekly message teaching the "Ancient Ways" of a long Germanic-Dane heritage. It speaks to ideas of community and healing the common psychology in this modern world. It uses years of personal experience as a spiritual counselor using the ancient lore of Germanic travelers who settled in Northern Denmark. His messages ring as true today as they did thousands of years ago, with the embracing of peace, harmony, and love.

The show does not have guests, as we are attempting to get the words and wisdom of the shaman out to the public at large. However, if you are looking for a guest who has wisdom from the past about life and spirituality, let us know.

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Whispers of the Norse Podcast

Ancient Teachings to Encourage, Enlighten, and Empower. A modern-day practicing Shaman and Úlfhe∂nar sworn to Ódinn of Asgard, Dr. Weisman applies ancient beliefs and understanding to modern-day issues. He produces a weekly message teaching the "Ancient Ways" of a long Germanic-Dane heritage. It speaks to ideas of community and healing the common psychology in this modern world. It uses years of personal experience as a spiritual counselor using the ancient lore of Celtic travelers who settled in Northern

Alaska Úlfhé∂nar

The Alaska Úlfhé∂nar is a modern-day Shaman and sworn Úlfhe∂nar to his ancestral Gods, Ó∂inn and Freyja in Asgard by Norse legend. As a formerly ordained pastor with the Christian church, he has studied recognized religions throughout the world, and ultimately being called to his Shamanic journey, he arrived at his cultural, spiritual home of the Celtic-Norse. With several advanced academic degrees, he has developed successful methods of dealing with psychological trauma thereby helping his friends to mental mechanisms to get back to their lives filled with joy and comfort. As a sworn Úlfhe∂nar, his primary mission is to use his gift from his Gods to help friends and family overcome their obstacles and see their way to a successful life’s journey. He produces a simplistic message of love, peace, and hope, by the teaching of, and the demonstration of, the wisdom of his ancestors.

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