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Tools of the Podcast Trade

“On Tools, I talk about the tools and strategies we use in podcasting, so that we can remove the mystery surrounding podcasting.”


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Podcasting can seem confusing. And many people get hung up on the what...what mic do I use, for example.

On Tools of the Podcast Trade I discuss the tools and strategies we use in podcasting. The show also features guests who are either experts in the field of podcasting, have a product or strategy they want to share, or are struggling as a new podcaster.

In addition, because mindset plays such a huge role in our decision-making, I will talk about managing that aspect of our lives when it comes to starting and growing a podcast.

So if you are planning a podcast but you are lost in a sea of equipment and tools, this podcast can give you some guidance on the "what, why, how, who" of podcasting.

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