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Profile artwork for the HARDER SHAFT podcast

the HARDER SHAFT podcast

“Sex is more than the brainless, caveman “feel good, do more” response it sometimes feels like for so many MEN. the HARDER SHAFT podcast.”


Relationships Sexuality Self-Improvement Male Health & Lifestyle Mental Health


Welcome to the HARDER SHAFT podcast.

This podcast focuses on MENS Mental & Sexual Awareness for all men ( single and coupled) .We explore why men feel and behave the way they do. Exploring the problems that prevent them from living a full, healthy existence.

With a weekly episode, we seek a panel of experts in the fields of mental and sexual health. Wanting to offers listeners practical, proven advice so that they can achieve happy, rewarding holistic lives.

  • Debunking the myths of rigid male roles and unrealistic performance demand.

  • We aim to go deeper and encourage those unspoken topics,

  • Revisiting MENS sexual health in new and interesting ways.

  • Sexual Pleasure & Intimacy
  • RespectSexual
  • Physical HealthSexual
  • Mental Health issues

We seek experts in this field to co host / interviewed as a guest or to appear in a segment on a particular topic.

the HARDER SHAFT wants to create a more mental and sexually positive experience for men

Reach out Re what you can offer.

[email protected]

Check out the full podcast
Profile artwork for the HARDER SHAFT podcast
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