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The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast

“Come, let's explore writing, publishing, world building, and anything around or in between.”


Books Science Fiction Fantasy


I started this podcast to share a story I was writing, and to part the curtain and give people a view behind the scenes of the creative process. I'd like to extend that to you.

We'll pick a topic for the interview, give the listeners to get to know you, beat around the bush a little to highlight whatever is fascinating about you and your work. Then we dive in and pick the topic apart. Finally, we'll plug your work and let the fans know where to find you on the web.

This is all somewhat geared towards other authors, but not restricted to the same. Illustrators, librarians, musicians, poets, book printers, documentary filmographers, software engineers, and underwater basket weavers are all welcome--as long as you have an interesting angle to share.

I am fluent in Spanish but this show is in English. I wouldn't say the door is closed to interviews in Spanish, but it might be difficult to make it work for my listeners.

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