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Sports & Money: KC

“NFL focus. Fun mixed with serious. Fast-paced. Multiple segments. We’ll end up covering anything interesting, whether it’s NFL or not.”


Football Food Business Life Experiences Countryside


Really looking for a permanent co-host. We’ll focus on the NFL but we’ll cover everything from food to history to trends. Fast-paced. Several different short segments, all in one show each week. 45 minutes is our aim for an episode length. Need to have the ability to stay focused and make a point quickly without getting into lengthy monologues. Back-and-forth conversation, like a tennis match. Need to be able to disagree without being rude or calling names. Need to not be easily offended over topics. Fun, fast, quick, funny, football, plus any other topic we want to cover. Make a point, move on. 🙂

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Sports & Money: KC

Hey, everyone! We started out as Sports & Money. We got some traction with some Kansas City Chiefs fans, so this version of Sports & Money is mainly devoted to Chiefs football. We cover player grades, off-season roster decisions, the salary cap, the draft, free agents, in-season trends, overall defensive and offensive adjustment/recommendations, and anything else we feel like. Thank you for stopping by!

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