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The Light of All Nations

“I read epic stories and historical texts, and offer commentary, as well as having thoughtful discussions with interesting people.”


Design Engineering Health & Fitness Transportation Natural Sciences


The Light of All Nations is a new long-format show in which I have conversations with people about all kinds of topics related to the humanities. I also read archival works from history and occasionally offer my commentary.

Some topics I’m interested in include creating innovations in private education, providing insight into creating associations, and learning about the many great interpretations of spirituality.

I am also currently developing an organization called Future City Solutions, which is an outreach organization to create advanced, tailored infrastructure and logistics solutions for World Cities using steadfast engineering, aesthetic design, and the power of nature. The organization’s aim is to bring together the greatest minds and work together with World City administrators and leaders to assist in the building of these symbiotic, harmonious concepts into the unique metropolitan fabric of each.

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