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Pixel Fabula

“A podcast that goes beyond the pixel to bring you exclusive interviews with video game industry professionals, gamers, and content creators”


Video Games


Pixel Fabula takes you on a journey through the video game industry one tale at a time

The channel features a podcast that delves into the gaming industry and brings you exclusive interviews with game devs as well as other industry professionals, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the stories and tales that shape the industry and our favorite games.

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Pixel Fabula

A journey through the world of video games one tale at a time! A podcast that delves into the gaming industry and brings you exclusive interviews with Game Devs as well as other industry experts, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the stories and tales that shape our favorite games. But we don't just talk about games, we also play them! Tune in for walkthroughs!

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