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Outrage Overload

“Outrage Overload is a science podcast about outrage in society and lowering the temperature”


Politics Social Sciences Science


Every day, we’re bombarded with outrage porn, material used to evoke anger, disgust or indignation – online, in the news, political campaigns, gossip, friends venting their frustrations – it’s exhausting.

I’m making a claim that the outrage machine has been too successful, like the dog that caught the bus. We’ve been telling ourselves the other side is “evil” and now we believe it. Like a drug addiction, the outrage purveyors had to keep turning up the volume and now they have created a monster where there is no room for anything but outrage, no room for real arguments, the kind of healthy arguments that are needed to achieve anything, even within a given party, to say nothing of across party lines. Further, it’s damaging our mental well-being. The baseline of constant and chronic outrage, a persistent background level, weighs on us, creating constant stress and anxiety individually and on society as a whole.

In each episode we’re going to explore a different aspect of the outrage industry with leading researchers, authors, and scientists as well as faith and community leaders, in a fun and interesting way.

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Outrage Overload

Outrage Overload is a show about outrage in society and politics, and lowering the temperature. In each episode we explore a different aspect of the outrage industry with leading scientists, researchers, authors, community leaders, and other experts. Topics include political polarization, extremism, civility, incivility, healthy conflict, disinformation, information literacy, stress, media, social media, and even technology and artificial intelligence.

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