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Not So Deep Podcast

“We are just two regular guys who enjoy having a good conversation. Our podcast is released in video and audio format twice a month.”


Politics Political & Social Issues Government Male Health & Lifestyle Historical Events


We are Chris Harris and Chris Morales, friends for over 30 years, and co-hosts of the Not So Deep Podcast. Our show is a simple reflection of things we find interesting, spanning a variety of topics from aliens, UFOs/UAPs, ghosts, unexplained events, sports, people, science, a small bit of politics, and current events.

We are just two regular guys with families, who enjoy having a good conversation. Our podcast is released in video and audio format twice a month, providing a laid-back setting for discussing stuff we find cool or intriguing, and we hope you do too.

The Not So Deep Podcast is about sharing our interests, having a laugh, and engaging with a community of listeners who share our curiosity. Whether we are debating the latest sports game, discussing recent news, or diving into the mysteries of the unknown, our goal is to have a genuine conversation and share it with you.

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