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“***We are booked through the season. We will open to scheduling again in September.***”


Mental Health Parenting Life Coaching Learning with Disabilities Political & Social Issues


I'm Danielle Sullivan, a certified autistic life coach and parent with autistic and ADHD children. Neurodiverging episodes include stories and lessons from my life, deep dives into the traits and histories of ADHD and autism, and reports about issues pertinent to ADHD and autistic folks in society.

New shows go up twice a month, with occasional hiatuses. I prioritize guests who are neurodivergent (autistic, ADHD, dyslexic, dyspraxic, OCD, BIP, Tourette's, schizophrenia, etc.) themselves, whether self- or professionally-identified. Guest spots for neurotypical folks are limited, though you are welcome to inquire.

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