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Modern Romantic Podcast

“An arts podcast celebrating romanticism through featuring artists, storytellers, creators, and passionate people doing amazing things.”


Arts Fantasy Nature Books Performing Arts


An arts podcast dedicated to celebrating romanticism (not to be confused with romance) in the modern age through art, storytelling, music, nature, and creating.

We connect with artists of many kinds to inspire YOU. We allow them to tell their own stories of how they fulfilled their dreams, what inspires them, and what keeps them going. Also, advice on how you can do it too.

A few themes that tend to run through the podcast regularly are:

Making your dreams come to life. Doing it scared, anyway.

Just diving into whatever art, music, gardening, writing, etc. It is ok not to be a professional. It is ok to suck because it won't always suck, and that is how we learn sometimes.

There is room for everyone.

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