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Profile artwork for Melanie B

Melanie B

“Seeking podcast guests for "She Created This" to share your perspective on the art of creation and entrepreneurship in this digital world.”


Influencer Entrepreneurship Personal Brand Life Experiences YouTube


The podcast that celebrates the journeys of creative women who have triumphed as entrepreneurs and creators in the online space. Join us on an inspiring expedition as we delve into the stories of remarkable women who've turned their passions and talents into thriving ventures.

In each episode, Melanie will speak with guests who have navigated the digital landscape, leaving their mark and inspiring others along the way. Through candid conversations and intimate interviews, we'll uncover the pivotal moments, challenges faced, and triumphs achieved, providing insights into the paths that led these women to success.

We'll explore how they harnessed their creativity to carve out their niche and create a meaningful impact in the online world. We'll learn about the tools, strategies, and mindset that have fueled their growth. From overcoming self-doubt and breaking through barriers to embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.

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She Created This

The podcast that celebrates the journeys of creative women who have triumphed as entrepreneurs and creators in the online space. Join us on an inspiring expedition as we delve into the stories of remarkable women who've turned their passions and talents into thriving ventures. In each episode, Melanie will speak with guests who have navigated the digital landscape, leaving their mark and inspiring others along the way. Through candid conversations and intimate interviews, we'll uncover the pivotal moments, challenges faced, and triumphs achieved, providing insights into the paths that led these women to success. We'll explore how they harnessed their creativity to carve out their niche and create a meaningful impact in the online world. We'll learn about the tools, strategies, and mindset that have fueled their growth. From overcoming self-doubt and breaking through barriers to embracing failure as a stepping stone to success.

Profile artwork for Melanie B
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