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Leading with Intention

“Help Corporate Leaders lead better by providing them with tips, tools, and strategies they can implement immediately.”


Management Business Accounting Careers Customer Experience Marketing Personal Brand Self-Improvement Armed Forces IT Infrastructure


Challenges in the workplace and within teams is only increasing as companies struggle to transition to a post-COVID 19 remote work situation. These unstable times have stretched companies and their leaders beyond their capacity, and they do not know how to maintain a balance of authority, empathy, compassion, and assertiveness toward their coworkers, much less continue their own career trajectory. Leading with Intention offers support, encouragement, and tools to help corporate leaders address their personal shortcomings and emerge from these unprecedented times as well-rounded, self-assured leaders. The show focuses on execution - helping leaders learn how to improve soft skills, leadership competencies, and work-life balance. Most importantly, how to ensure that their organization is in alignment from the top down, including leaders and their direct reports.

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MD Consulting provides Executive Coaching to help corporate leaders unlock the potential to maximize their own performance.

MD Consulting

At MD Consulting we provide executive coaching to corporate leaders by helping them unlock the potential to maximize their own performance. Through our HR consulting services, we strive to ensure that companies of all sizes are effectively using their personnel to achieve stated goals, while also ensuring the workforce is operating at a high level of productivity and efficiency. Our aim in this channel is to share information that can help leaders build productive relationships, resolve business problems more efficiently, increase employee retention, and enhance their overall influence.

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