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In The SpotLight

“Real estate pro? Share your insights on 'In the SpotLight' with Felicia Stepan. Apply to be our guest!”


Real Estate


About the Show

"In the SpotLight," hosted by Felicia Stepan, is a podcast dedicated to uncovering the strategies, challenges, and successes of the real estate industry's most successful agents. Our show is a platform for real estate professionals who have made an impact in their markets, offering insights, trends, and personal stories that inspire and educate.

Who We're Looking For

We are exclusively looking for real estate agents who have success in their field. Whether you've innovated new strategies, dominated your local market, or have insights into the real estate industry, we want to hear from you. Our audience appreciates guests who can share detailed experiences, offer actionable advice, and inspire with their achievements.

Why You Should Be a Guest

Being featured on "In the SpotLight" is an opportunity to highlight your accomplishments and share your journey with a wide audience of real estate enthusiasts, potential clients, and peers. It's a chance to not only elevate your personal brand but also to give back to the industry by sharing knowledge that can help other real estate professionals grow and succeed. Additionally, your appearance on our show can serve as valuable content for your own marketing efforts. You can use the material from your interview to create engaging content for your website, social media, or other platforms, helping to further establish your expertise and reach in the real estate market.

How to Show Your Interest

Send Us Links to Your Previous Talks or Interviews: We're interested in guests who are comfortable sharing their expertise on camera or in public speaking settings. Please share with us links to your talks, interviews, or any public speaking engagements on YouTube or other video platforms.

Selection Process

Every submission is important to us, and we take the time to consider each one carefully. Our goal is to feature real estate agents and brokers who can offer the most value to our listeners through their experiences, insights, and success stories. Please understand that our episode slots are limited, and selections are made based on alignment with our show's themes and audience interests.

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