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Eternal Echoes

“I'm permanently curious about the world around me, especially current events. I try to have very little bias in my investigations.”


News Commentary History Law Judaism


Hey, my name is Shimon Pransky, a Rabbinical Scholar in Cincinnati. I'm creating a show called 'Eternal Echoes', where we dive deep into Jewish History to give context for current events affecting the Jewish people. The first season will have a particular focus on the Israeli Gaza conflict and the alarming rise in anti-Semitism. I'd love to interview Historians, with expertise in any time period over the last four thousand years of Jewish History. The discussions can range from Abraham, the founder of the Jewish people to the forming of the modern State of Israel. I'd also be interested to speak to international law experts to help shape perspective of the current war in Gaza and the ongoing violence over the past 75 years of Israel's existence. Message me if you're interested in discussing these topics on a podcast. Looking forward!

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Eternal Echoes

Listen to Eternal Echoes on Spotify. 'Unprecedented' is a word thrown around a lot these days, but given our rich, four thousand years of Jewish History, it couldn't be further from the truth. Join me, Shimon Pransky, on my new show "Eternal Echoes", where we explore the stories of our past to understand today's difficult challenges.

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