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Brothers Frontier Studio

“Brothers Frontier Studio is dedicated to amplifying the voices of innovative entrepreneurs like you!”


Business Careers Entrepreneurship Real Estate Startups


Brothers Frontier Studio is ran by two brothers who are driven to learn more about the world of interesting careers, side hustles, and startups. We host two podcasts, the 529 Podcast and TnT Podcast (with the potential to host more as we dig deeper into the various market opportunities).

The 529 Podcast (5 to 9) provides an opportunity for our guests to divulge their experiences, knowledge, and educated opinions on the current state and projected future of their side hustle or startup. Our target audience is those looking to explore business opportunities outside of their 9-to-5 job and utilize our platform to find in-depth and detailed content to best prepare themselves for any opportunity they choose to pursue.

The TnT Podcast (Trailblazers and Triumphs) provides an opportunity for our guests to divulge their experiences, knowledge, and educated opinion on the current state and projected future of their career. Our target audience is those looking to further their knowledge of unique career opportunities, discover a detailed roadmap of each presented career, and develop a deeper understanding of the trials and triumphs each interviewed guest has experienced to allow for the audience to make informed decisions for their careers ahead.

To condense the overall foundations of our podcast and team, we aim to Educate, Empower, and Encourage our audience with all forms of content we produce.

We recognize we are in the early stages of our platform, but we don't see any opportunity for "failure" through our platform journey. Even if we decide to move on from podcasting one day, we can still look back and reference the episodes we produced and utilize them to our own advantage.

We constantly state that we are essentially our own audience, even if no one was to listen to our episodes (which is not the case), we do our best to ask the questions we feel other podcasts forget or overlook - driven to unravel each complex opportunity being discussed and break them down into focused consumable topics for anyone to understand and learn from.

We hope you'll at least give us the opportunity to talk with you and/or your team to begin a conversation internally to further explain our story and the journey we have set ahead. Your knowledge and insights will be respected and appreciated by many!

Best Regards,

Drew and Nathan

Brothers Frontier Studio

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@BrothersFrontier | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

View brothersfrontier’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.

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