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Ask Charly Leetham - Online Business Manager

“What's the one thing you wish you had known when you started your business? What's something you would have done differently?”


Management Business Startups Bootstrapping Technology


Relax In Your Good Hands

Ask Charly Leetham's goal is to assist small to medium business owners use the power of the Internet as an avenue to market their organisations in an appropriate and cost-effective manner. We assist small businesses to define and refine their processes, plan and build their web presence using current and emerging technologies. We provide ongoing support and advice to assist businesses to maintain and grow a crucial path to market and focus on growing your business. This podcast by Charly shares her experiences over the years - particularly the things she wished known then ...

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Home | Online Business Manager and WordPress Expert

Assisting small to medium business owners use the power of the Internet as an avenue to market their organisations in an appropriate and cost-effective manner.

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