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Are We Done Yet

“Share your voice. Respect theirs. Focusing on de-polarizing and better understanding the humans behind the viewpoints that divide us.”


Politics Mental Health LGBTQIA+ History Black History Political & Social Issues


Share your voice. Respect theirs.

Are We Done Yet (AWDY) is a video/audio podcast that aims to address the most divisive - and sometimes the most ridiculous - topics of the day in a neutral, bipartisan manner - with the sole intent being the creation of a better understanding of the topics origins, the fellow humans behind them and their differing views - so we may better communicate and decrease hostility and polarization.

We aim to educate, not intimidate - and we do not require or suggest that anyone agree or change their minds. AWDY only seeks to provide all participants with a greater understanding of the human thought process that drives our passion for these topics, and explore deeper and more significant underlying social constructs.

Future Topics For Consideration

The End of Sex as We Know It

- The transgender, pronoun, drag queen, all of it issue

- The current tug of war surrounding traditional male and female roles may be a part of this narrative or a separate episode series.

Reparation and Reconciliation

- Sustainable or enabling, what’s the value of settler culture recognizing “unceded territory” declarations etc, when is enough enough

With countries like Canada, Australia and the US Entertaining concepts of financial reparations, to descendants of our various displaced original citizens, what does this spell for the economy, for the heart of the problem we are trying to solve.

Does it move us further away from racism, or entrench us deeper within it.

The Covid Fallout

- So many areas in which the question - Are We Done Yet resondates. Dividing people, information as a weapon, etc

The Black Lives Matter Problem

As a black man, you’d think that I’d instinctively be radically in line with the BLM and Defund The Police and Hands Up Don’t Shoot post Floyd era.

Are We Done Yet uses the BLM movement and it’s predictable controversies as the catalyst for a discussion on how and why well intentioned movements are prone to being mismanaged, corrup0ted mislead and worded in a manner that potentially further complicates the movements agenda. Climate change, me too, critical race theory.

The Normalization of Bullying

While recognized as a serious issue when addressing youth with national anti bullying programs globally - bullying is rampant, normalized and monetized in todays social MEME comment culture from the common public to political and entertainment leaders.

The Pride Wars

Enter the word ‘Pride” into Google as a text search and you’re shown the official definition of pride, followed by a doom scroll of largely LGBTQ focused link options. Enter the word “Black” in front of pride and you’re shown a selection of links focusing on an extension of LGBTQ pride content specific to the black community, and additional resources related to race, specifically that of the black population. Enter the word “white” in front of the word pride, and the story that our search return tells us that is one of supremacy, hatred, racism, anti semitism and a depiction of white pride as being a largely negative and destructive blight on our society.

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Are We Done Yet

Listen to Are We Done Yet on Spotify. Share your voice. Respect theirs. Focusing on de-polarizing and better understanding the humans behind the viewpoints that divide us.

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‎News · 2024

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