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Zack Jackson

“I would be a great quest because I will give a honest conversation on my perspective”


About Me

My name is Zack,

At a early age without knowing the term, I am a natural born empath. I have, and had friends in many parts of life and seen and saw things I believe to this day that needs to change. Everything impacts us, The people around us, the government we live in and especially things we will never be in control of. I am also a open book. Fluent in the language of feelings in able to adapt to whatever I face. Hungry for knowledge and understanding of what makes us, us. Its the uncomfortable talks that help us further in life. If you read the description of my show profile, you'll see my "why". Things need to change, some things just need to be improved. That could be from peoples perspective or to laws and policies.

Profile artwork for Zack Jackson
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