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Yannick Picard

“Let’s talk about neutralizing your inner saboteurs, activating your wise "higher self"; how your limiting beliefs & emotions keep you stuck!”


About Me

Yannick Picard was only 16 years old when the coaching “bug” bit him. He came across Tony Robbin’s Personal Power infomercial one (very, very) late evening while watching television and mailed a check to purchase the program, which, back then, was offered on audio cassette. 😂 He was blown away by what he learned from the 30-day personal development program.

Back then, “coaching” was a term reserved for sports coaches, and being pre-internet days, Yannick put the desire aside as he couldn’t find training for it.

In the years following, Yannick became a very successful associate in the corporate/business world, a top-selling Real Estate Broker and even a personal trainer!

Let’s be clear; it wasn’t all roses and sunshine in the 25 years that followed. Yannick, as most do, experienced life’s rollercoaster ride of ups and downs and he didn’t understand why relationships and careers seemed to come so easily for many, yet remained elusive for him.

Then, he met a guy. “THE guy”. Then, out of nowhere, “the guy” ended 9 months of happy, fun dating and, in doing so, lit the fuse that made a KABOOM in Yannick’s world.

Shortly after that, an opportunity came up to be a certified coach. Yannick jumped at it.

Yannick’s desire to help people overcome their saboteurs, increase their confidence, and transform their lives has developed into his mission, purpose, and pathway.

PS. 🎙️ Podcast Hosts - I will not pay to appear on your show.

Located in North America/Toronto Time Zone (GMT-5)

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GBTQ+ men's mindset and confidence coach. I help GBTQ+ men uncover limitations that's stopped them from living a truly KICKASS life.


GBTQ+ men's mindset and confidence coach. I help GBTQ+ men uncover limitations that's stopped them from living a truly KICKASS life.

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