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William Hunter

“Hi, my main focus when appearing on podcasts is to bring a thoughtful voice to the conversation, but still have a lot of fun along the way.”


About Me

I run a website dedicated to the history of video games, called The Dot Eaters, although I play modern games as well. I've also run a pop-culture based podcast called the HunterWick Slow Burn (né Nerdstalking) for eight years.

My often-cited website deals with the history of video games, covering pre-PONG systems of the 50's and 60's to around the NES era. Slow Burn, a podcast I produce, has covered various aspects of pop-culture, from movies, TV shows, books and more. I grew up watching Star Trek, and have watched every episode of the franchise at least once. I've also talked a lot about Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone, for my money one of the best shows ever produced on TV. I have a pretty good audio setup with a dedicated mic, so no tin-canny audio. Having produced my own podcast for so many years, my mic presence isn't too bad, either. So if you need an extra voice on your podcast, give me a shout!

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