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Vishnupriya Aristo

“Holistic Healing Therapist creating miracles in people's life by curing all types of health conditions for people all over the world.”


About Me

Vishnupriya Aristo is the Founder of ZeroPoint Holistic Healing Center -

The ZeroPoint Holistic Healing Center has teamed up with the Best Holistic Healing Practitioners in the world combining the Top Holistic Healing Modalities to provide a complete body, mind and soul healing for clients all around the world.

Vishnupriya has formulated a unique 11-Day Full Body Therapy for clients which is a proprietary blend of Energy medicine plus alternative therapeutic techniques that is creating miracles in people's lives -

So far, we have healed people with Arthritis, Asthma, Constipation, Knee Pain, Back Pain, Foot Swelling, Headaches, Insomnia among many other health conditions for people all over the globe by offering sessions online. 

Vishnupriya is interested to be a guest in podcasts and shows to present this life-changing holistic healing therapy to your audience.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

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