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Tyler Moon

“Listeners will be engaged, encouraged, and inspired by my story of faith, family, and fitness.”


About Me

On October 6, 2019, I suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest while running a 10 mile race. I was saved by a group of strangers who performed CPR on me in the middle of the race course. My faith in Jesus Christ has been a beacon to me and my family as we worked through the traumatic events of that day. Working through these events does not mean that we have slowed down. Since October 6, 2019, I completed the final two miles of my original 10 mile race, I have run a marathon, and I have run the same 10 mile race with one of the people who gave me CPR in 2019.

Besides my Christian faith, and my interest in running, I am a husband, dog dad, logistics analyst, and an avid football fan.

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