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Tom Freeman

“Ever known anyone with a hole so big inside of them that life passed through it? I was broken and now I am living my best life.”


About Me

Life is filled with many moments and experiences and how we choose to accept and embrace them, helps define who we are. While on the surface a smile can tell quite a bit about a person, it is what is behind the smile that tells so much more.

At 8 years of age, I was told I was adopted and this little boy processed it in a way that would create a path that would lead to broken marriages, disruptive behaviors and substance abuse…in other words I was living a life of “poor choices”

In August 2015, after a series of events, I chose to become sober and to make change but what I didn’t know was that this change had to start with me. For the next few years, I worked on this inner child and the results led to the following: Healthy relationships, healthy career, better sleep and nutrition and a journey that had a very happy ending.

Having eradicated myself from constantly trying to escape life, I made the decision to experience it. I made the one choice that haunted me for 42 years…to find out why I was adopted.

The results that followed were enough to write a best seller. However the results that followed led to an even bigger take-away and that was that there should never be any regrets on my yesterdays, I should experience the hell out of my todays and while I should never be worried about my tomorrows, I am prepared for them.

I can talk about being a Dad, inner child, living a positive life, adoption, abandonment, sobriety, relationships, outlook just to name a few.

Profile artwork for Tom Freeman
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