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Tina O Hoang

“Let me tell you about my story, you ready?”


About Me

A disabled recovering people pleaser, podcaster, and inner child healer - Tina O. Hoang strives to ensure women have the space to choose themselves and share their courageous stories. Whether it is changing how you are perceived within a family dynamic, leaving a comfortable 9-5, or advocating for yourself when a stranger is being rude. She believes women of color are allowed to take the first step and don't need permission. After someone told her that her passivity was unattractive, she took it and decided to become as assertive and courageous as she could ever be! With a background in career counseling, Tina also understands the hardship of career changes and the components of how it can involve family and friends. She knows that even if when we are scared of making that first step, we need to say "F*ck it" and do it anyways. To make that choice despite the paralyzing and roaring feeling growing within them. To also dive within ourselves to heal the inner child and play more often as adults. She loves to travel, read, and be present with nature. Her favorite national park so far is Glacier National Park.  

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