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Terence Leclere

“immersive person; actor performing live, on screens, and in VR 🎭 Founder, CEO of the immersive consulting company called #metaforyou #️⃣✨”


About Me

Hello! I am the founder of #metaforyou, a company that provides immersive interactive services via talent, content, and consultation, including specializing in casting and creative direction for actor driven pop-up experiences. #metaforyou has worked on immersive events and experiential marketing activations for brands such as Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Paramount Plus, Peacock, Freeform and more.  

I am also an immersive actor performing live, on screens, and in VR, for which I have been featured in Vice, LA Weekly, Stage Raw, VR Focus, CNet, The Verge, Variety, Broadway World, Backstage, Huffington Post, AV Club, Buzzfeed, and No Proscenium.

And a performance poet, an Entertainer Lebenskünstler who communes by extemporaneous expression in moment to moment realities, imbued through studies at William Esper Studios NY and The Second City TCLA, and honed through many lives lived in live performances around the world.

For over 20 years I have been studying acting, improv, and meditation, and within the past 10 years this all led me to the world of immersive interactive performance, performing alongside with audiences creating moment to moment realities together. This has synthesized all of my passions about acting, improvisation, and meditation in a way that I feel like I finally have found a home and purpose in my life. This passion is what drives my work with my company Metaforyou, my words and every performance I get a chance to share with the world.

Immersive performance work to me is all about connecting with your audience and making them feel seen and heard, validated and acknowledge. I especially love doing this in fun clever creative ways.

I can speak about experiential marketing, immersive entertainment (acting, theatre, experiences and popups), and philosophize about how ultimately we are all starring in our very own immersive interactive experience, living our realities through our senses and perceptions.

So you could say each immersive play is a tiny slice of the overall play that is the audience's entire life..

Even reading this bio could be called an immersive experience...

Thanks for reading! As I like to add when I can to the end of each show:

your story continues..

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