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Tarryn MacCarthy

“I empower business leaders to redefine success & rediscover happiness. Host: Business of Happiness. Top 1% Invisalign Provider, Orthodontist”


About Me

My name is Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy, host of The Business of Happiness Podcast. I am on a mission to help driven entrepreneurs to redefine success. I guide high achieving and ambitious business owners and leaders to rediscover happiness in the pursuit of their dreams. I am intent on exposing the shame, guilt and overwhelm that leads to anxiety and depression plaguing our business and health care sectors. I am passionate about guiding leaders to find their happiness and believe deeply that when you FEEL good you can DO good. As an orthodontist and business owner myself I found myself in the depths of depression and anxiety when after decade of pushing myself to find success in the hopes of "one day" finding happiness I learned that happiness precedes success and not the other way around. As a motivational speaker and Prosperity Coach I guide others to become the happiest business owners they know.

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