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Siria Gutierrez

“I'm a mental health advocate and attorney looking to help others live a life of choice and abundance.”


About Me

Hi I'm Siria ("Sydia"]!

I'm a mental health advocate and attorney looking to help others live a life of choice and abundance. I'm not just a lawyer; I'm layered. Once I realized "lawyering is a skillset not an identity" my whole world changed. We are not our skills or job titles; humans above titles for me. I want to encourage everyone to "Chose You" and stop living a life of a martyr.

I speak on the following topics:

  • Mental health awareness;
  • Being a First Generation Latinx Professional;
  • Therapy and thought work;
  • Being a woman in a male dominated field;
  • Owning your own solo practice;
  • Self-awareness and self-confidence;
  • Stress management tools;
  • Stigma of Therapy in Latinx communities; and
  • More! I'm pretty open about most topics.

I'm the co-host of Pivotal Moments HQ Podcast, a podcast sharing, exploring, and celebrating stories of change through wellness and mindset and their impact on relationships. I also host Lawyered with Siria a podcast for lawyers looking to transition out of the law or to a more fulfilling practice area and students looking to see the wide range of possibilities of work with a law degree.

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