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Shell SilverSmith

“I assist men and women with extreme anxiety by encouraging them to seek their own unique spiritual path by living their true authentic self.”


About Me

My educational background that I have is a B.A. in Family and Human Development from the University of Utah. My ethnicity is Navajo and I speak Spanish and Navajo. I love the classic novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Fyodor Dostoevsky and the works of William Shakespeare. I have been a studio technician, teacher, social worker and basketball coach. I enjoy public speaking and helping others overcome addiction, loss of a loved one and I want to help those who suffer with anxiety and panic. I wrote in High School for the Cougar Claw and in College I wrote for the U of U Chronicle.

I wrote the book, Finding My Sacred, which debuts on Nov 11, 2022. I have a link below, it’s in the final stage of editing, this is the final version, minus the final copy edit.

As humans, we all have to navigate our journey here on Earth. How we navigate it is unique to each individual, depending on your upbringing, your beliefs, and the people that surround you. This book is a story of my journey, how having strong Catholic roots helped and also hindered my spiritual growth. How having an abortion crippled my self esteem. My book starts out in a confession booth, with the priest belittling me, then ends beautifully. The ending makes me cry each time I’ve read it, because it’s that powerful! My Navajo roots, spiritual healers, spiritual teachers and spiritual guides working behind the scenes, literally saved me! I have faith from within that lives will be uplifted. This will be a stepping stone for me to help out Native American communities. Growing up, I always wanted to find a female Native writer like myself. To my dismay there weren't very many. We have many storytellers within the Native community, I’d love to be the example for some Native American writers out there.

If you want to know how I am as a guest, go to minute 37:00 on the last link. My computer audio is now full functioning.

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