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Profile artwork for SHARON ROLPH


“Known as the Queen of Courage, Boomers' life coach with Purpose Movement Series. Defining Essence Service to understand your unique self.”


About Me

When Sharon retired from Boeing in 2016, she soon

started bouncing off the walls trying to figure out how to

be productive. So she began putting the skills she’d used

as a Behavioral Scientist at Boeing and developed a

personal Essence Statement. This Essence Statement

enabled her to fully live each day from her inner spark.

Sharon went on to create podcasts, workshops, speaking

engagements, and coaching programs that empower

retirees to discover their unique spark and potential to live

a more engaged, fulfilling, and joy-filled life.

Each person’s uniqueness is precious to Sharon, and as an

inspirational guide, she loves helping retirees awaken

their courage, explore options, and ignite their greatness.

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Profile artwork for SHARON ROLPH
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