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Sean Crenshaw

“A dating site that focuses on communication and not looks. How does that work? Let's talk!”


About Me

Hey, I'm Sean, the owner of Pronounced Be true be you! I created a dating site that recognizes and celebrates women of color who are out.

As a guest on your podcast, we can discuss things like:

  • The issues that affect WOC in the LGBTQIA+ world
  • Online dating and why it doesn't work
  • Religion in the Afr. Amer. community, creating a time gap for acceptance and the gay black women,
  • What conversations do we need to have to slow down the Uhaul lesbians and discuss how the Uhaul myth doesn't fit everybody.
  • How the black female queer community has internalized misogyny and made it a part of our everyday
  • We can play a game where we ask questions that has controversial answers but drives conversations. Example: Do lesbians have issues with a transwomen being a lesbian?
  • Tell me what you would like to discuss when it comes to dating and I can craft a conversation around.

The conversations can be fun or serious or somewhere in between but there is so much to discuss! I created this site but I also have a 24 year career in training/coaching in the corporate world and it has given me a wealth of experience on reading people, coaching people and asking the questions that encourage critical thinking. Your audience will walk away with a feeling of being heard or they will have new thoughts to consider. If nothing else we can make them laugh which is always nice.

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