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Sean Atkinson

“Making business concepts easy to understand, I empower entrepreneurs to position their brands effectively & navigate changes with confidence”


About Me

You know how a translator takes a language you don’t understand and turns it into something you do? That’s kind of what I do for businesses. My name is Sean M. Atkinson, and I’ve spent over 30 years learning the language of successful businesses.

Now I take the lessons and business practices that I learned from big brands and translate them into strategies that smaller businesses can use. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an existing business trying to grow. I can help you understand and customize strategies to achieve your goals.

Think of me as a bridge between you and your potential customers. I help you communicate your business’s worth in a way they’ll understand and appreciate, and I help them see why your business is the best fit for them. This is called positioning and as a brand and marketing strategist. My focus is on bridging that gap and translating your business journey and goals to your audience in a way that makes sense.

As a minority-owned business, I bring a unique perspective to the table. My experience working in and learning from all sides of the marketing process allows me to guide businesses of all stages and sizes.

Speak Their Language: How to Explain Your Business So Everyone Gets It

Ever felt like business talk is a different language? Let's change that! In this talk, I'll help you translate your 'business language' into everyday words, making it super easy for anyone to understand what your business is all about!

From Hello to Loyal Customer: Making a Great Journey for Your Buyers

Ever wondered how to turn first-time visitors into loyal customers? In this talk, we'll create a fun, easy-to-follow map guiding your customers from their first 'hello' all the way to becoming loyal fans of your business!

Adapt and Thrive: How to Navigate Change in Your Business

Change can seem scary, especially when it's about your business. In this talk, we'll explore how to embrace change like a pro, turning those scary unknowns into exciting opportunities to grow and thrive!

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