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Sandra Cavanaugh

“Creativity Specialist, Transformational Coach, Speaker, Bestselling Author of Spontaneous Brilliance, and Teacher of Acting and Improv”


About Me


An expert in the field of creativity, imagination, and innovation, Sandra has taught and coached thousands of successful entrepreneurs, business leaders and their teams, creative artists, actors, writers, parents, students, and educators.

Sandra uses techniques developed over 35 years as an award-winning professional director, actor, writer, producer, entrepreneur, and master acting and improvisation teacher to provide profound wisdom and deceptively simple strategies for teaching us to expect, respect, and maximize the unique creative genius in ourselves and all those around us.

Sandra’s mission is to create a world where everyone’s unique creative genius is shared and respected regardless of their age, education, or perceived abilities. Through decades of working with children with special needs, Sandra developed her deep belief that, “Everyone is brilliant! We have no shortage of brilliance on this planet, just a reluctance to offer it and a resistance to accepting it.”

In her internationally bestselling book, SPONTANEOUS BRILLIANCE, she illuminates the meta meaning of Shakespeare’s assertion “All the world’s a stage...” with her playful and powerful metaphorical, metaphysical guide to sharing your unique creative genius in this 24/7 improv on the great stage of life.

Additionally, many of Sandra's greatest life lessons have come from being the single mother to 4 incredible daughters, 3 of whom are adoption miracles. Her personal journey has inspired her to become a fierce advocate for children’s mental health, FASD, autism, adoption, foster care, and creativity in education.


SPONTANEOUS BRILLIANCE: The metaphorical metaphysical guide to expecting, respecting, and maximizing the genius in yourself and all those around you.

FINDING YOUR BLISS: Discovering the power of the purpose that you came here to share.


MASTERFUL LEADERSHIP: The Art of Leveraging Brilliance

DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH: Unleashing the genius in those with cognitive disabilities.

YOUR COCKTAIL OF CREATIVE GENIUS: Learn the recipe for igniting your inspiration, your imagination, and your brilliant creative process


Do you really believe that everyone is a genius?

How do I follow my bliss if I don't know what it is?

How can we move past the fear that stops us from showing up fully?

What is the most important thing that everyone should know about creativity?

Is AI the enemy of creativity?

Why are most people so resistant to sharing their creative ideas?


Hello, I’m Sandra Cavanaugh

My mission is to create a world where everyone’s unique creative genius is shared and respected regardless of their age, education, or perceived abilities.

So, let me ask you a something-

Have you been hiding in plain sight, with a brilliant idea, a book, a business, a song, a solution, a message, or an innovation locked inside you or sitting dormant on a shelf?

Have you almost given up on that passion that you can feel inside, because others might think it’s crazy, or you're afraid it’s not good enough, or you have no idea how to bring it to fruition?

Well, let me share a little secret with you; You are brilliant.

I know it. Because in over 35 years of teaching and coaching creative artists, entrepreneurs, children and teens with special needs, CEO's, parents, writers, actors, college students, and educators I have never met a person who was not a unique creative genius.

Some part of you knows you are brilliant. You may not believe it or even understand it, but deep inside, you can feel it! We each have a responsibility to ourselves and to the world to do, speak, share, and create what we came here for.

Whatever your passion or purpose; I will give you the tools to help you to be, do and share, everything you came to this planet to be do and share.

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