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Sam Castle

“Be you do you. You don't need permission to be who you are!”


About Me

I am a self proclaimed foodie, try anything once, married, outspoken, transgender, psychiatric technician, Life Coach, podcaster, and soon to be Clinical Counselor. Known by many as kind, loving, smart, talented, and ambitious; I identify as belonging to the LGBTQI+ community and a man rooted in his faith. My superpower is authenticity, which has shown through even in times of adversity enabling me to heal from trauma and work toward achieving my dreams. As a man of trans experience, I have always possessed a deep sense of empathy and a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. From a young age, I felt a disconnect between my assigned gender at birth and my true identity. After years of introspection, self-reflection, and seeking support, I embarked on a transformative journey of self-acceptance and began transitioning at the age of 36 years old. I am now 41 years old and living my best life while encouraging everyone else to do the same. I am thrilled to be here to talk about the transformative power of inner work. In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves constantly hustling, chasing external success, and neglecting our own well-being. What I have learned along my journey and doing inner work is that true fulfillment and lasting happiness come from within. Through my own personal journey of self-discovery and inner work, I have unlocked a world of profound transformation and growth. I have dived deep into the depths of my own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, unraveling layers of conditioning and societal expectations. I have learned how to cultivate self-awareness, develop emotional intelligence, and embrace vulnerability as a catalyst for personal evolution. In our conversation, I will share practical tools, strategies, and insights on how to embark on your own inner work journey. We will explore topics such as mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, and self-reflection. I will also discuss the importance of setting boundaries, practicing self-care and nurturing healthy relationships. By diving deep into the depths of our inner world, we can uncover our true passions, purpose, and potential. We can heal old wounds, release limiting beliefs, and cultivate a deep sense of self worth. More importantly, we can create a life of authenticity, alignment, and fulfillment. With a background in mental health/Life Coaching and my own transformative experience, I am on a mission to put an end to suicide in the Queer community by sharing the power of inner work and how it can unlock your greatness and you can live a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity.

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Sam Castle | Be You Do You Coaching

The Official Website for Sam Castle | Be You Do You Coaching

Profile artwork for Sam Castle
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