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Profile artwork for Saché Nicole

Saché Nicole

“Mommy, lover of fashion and DV survivor.”


About Me

Introducing Saché, a tenacious single mother of four whose journey embodies the true spirit of resilience and fortitude. Hailing proudly from the heart of Texas, Saché is a Texan through and through, with a personality as vibrant as the state itself. Her path has been marked by adversity, including a divorce stemming from domestic violence, yet she has emerged as a shining example of strength and perseverance.With a teenager, identical twins, and a daughter to care for, Saché's days are a whirlwind of managing household responsibilities, pursuing her career, and indulging her passion for fashion. Despite the challenges she faces, Saché's love for her children knows no bounds, and she is unwavering in her dedication to providing them with a loving and supportive home environment.With over two decades of experience in the retail industry, Saché's expertise shines through in her work ethic and commitment to excellence. Her innate sense of style and fashion-forward mindset make her a trusted advisor among friends and colleagues, always ready to offer the perfect fashion recommendation or style tip.Beyond her professional accomplishments, Saché is known for her outspoken nature and compassionate spirit. She fearlessly advocates for those in need and isn't afraid to speak out against injustice. Her intelligence and empathy make her a pillar of support for those around her, both personally and professionally.Through life's trials and triumphs, Saché remains a steadfast beacon of strength and resilience, proving that with determination and love, any obstacle can be overcome.

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