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Roxanne Gould

“As a Vogue model, author and influencer, I share my fashion, beauty and health tips plus the importance of cultivating a positive mindset.”


About Me

Born in Hollywood, California, my first modeling job was when I was three years old. I've been modeling my whole life and have the second longest running career as a fashion model. I've been featured in top fashion magazines, walked the runways in Paris, and have been in many award winning commercials. Bravely transitioning to gray hair successfully launched my career into a new direction. My clients today are lingerie companies, sportswear companies, cosmetic and clothing companies. In 2020 alone I was featured in Vogue magazine three times. My appearance is paramount yet I discovered that my mindset is everything. Aging well is a combination of living a healthy lifestyle and having a disciplined mind. I have practiced yoga all my life and eat a mostly plant-based diet. For ten years I've been a life coach for women and am currently a Chopra Well-Being coach and author of my first book--a memoire. My goal is to continue modeling and to inspire women to live authentically, confidently and as simply and naturally as possible.

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