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Rob Feakins

“After battling cancer, I left advertising, and have found meaning in my life filming award-winning docs for non-profits and the environment.”


About Me

I am a former ad executive who helped launched Citi Bike in NYC (it became the world's most successful bike share program), created the first public service announcement to hit the YouTube Top Ten Leaderboard, and helped create a film that wound up on Mashable's Top Ten Most Inspirational Videos of the Year.

But after battling cancer, I felt advertising had become too toxic and started consulting and shooting films for those who need it most...non-profits. I hate the term re-invention but can't think of a better term for my life. My company, For All Humankind shoots and consults at cost for non profits and the environment. I have filmed ex-poachers turned entrepreneurs in Tanzania, disadvantage youth in Africa, a drug addict turned drug counselor, a homeless vet who earned two college degrees, hospice caregivers who lost teenagers, a man imprisoned for 17 years who came out of prison and met his 17 year old son for the first time, and a former high school drop out and stripper who is now a full time chef to name a few. Our films have won over 20 awards in the last two years alone.

I am married with two daughters and in my spare time I am a hospice volunteer and drive for two food pantries. 

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