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Rick Burgess

“I co-founded Forms Logic over a decade ago, and the best way to describe the journey is "we're a data company with a forms problem".”


About Me

I have a unique set of knowledge and talents that have been forged from the various pursuits of my life. I personally am a math geek trapped in a sales body, so I'm always playing a game of chance with myself. My personal preference is statistics, but math never lies... unless you're using statistics obviously.

I started my career as a runner, then trader on the CME trading floor. Think Wolf of Wall Street, but the movie was only the PG version of reality as a floor trader. As the world continued to spin, either flat or globe... technology started to displace the domain of the floor traders. I transitioned to an upstairs day-trader where I built a strategy based on the economic principle "flight to quality", which is a fancy way to say stocks go up and bonds go down. I traded that strategy successfully until I sold it to an investment bank.

When I left trading I went to the financial service side of the business and a licensed advisor. This was where I discovered that I hated sitting still and filing out paperwork. This is ironic as I now fill out more paperwork than most anyone else.

I left being an advisor and became a wholesaler, which means I sold financial services to financial advisors. This was a great job for a person blessed with a genetically enlarged liver and pension for talking. This was a great way to meet a lot of talented advisors and learn that each and every one of them approaches the businesses of managing money differently.

I can assure you that there are also a high number of professional advisors that I wouldn't trust any money with, but any story is a good story if it's told enough.

After the great recession I saw a need from my clients and others to find money for various business needs. My partner and I built a commercial brokerage lending firm that quickly grew to one of the largest in the nation. With the platforms success we needed to innovate our processes, as filling out paperwork was a necessity but throwing bodies at it created a very expensive monthly payroll.

It was with the insights gained during that time, that the seeds of Forms Logic were born. Today Forms Logic partners with companies in the financial service and insurance space to drive efficiency and accuracy. This has been a very fun journey, and growing the company has been a labor of love.

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