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Richard Hewitt

“A call took me to the ol' Silk Road where locals are closer to the Ancient Script than Jews and Christians. Did I find Israel's Lost Tribes?”


About Me

During my 20 years in Kyrgyzstan I often presented concepts from humanity’s timeless Script to Muslims, adherents of Central Asia’s Tengir Faith, shamans, and Soviet atheists. These discussions and debates occasionally took place in front of hundreds of students and professors at lecture halls and academic conferences. Other times we conversed in yurts with shepherds high in the mountains and everywhere in-between. 

In California, I facilitated a roundtable discussion with Jews, Christians, Western atheists (different from the Soviet branch), intellectuals, and others. Followers of Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, the Sikh faith, and Native American beliefs have also intersected at this Script-based, interfaith hub. The theme of my Religious Synergy discussions remains distinct from traditional ecumenical movements, primarily because many of our pop interfaith movements seem to dilute the essence of true faith or the Script's beauty. Our Great Designer has crafted His own path to inter-religious dialogue and unity, which I believe has been symbolized by Joseph’s iconic multicolored coat. I believe my book “Come Home" catches part of our Maker’s dramatic intention.

The Lost Tribes of Israel theme is typically considered a whacky, fringe religious concept that is gaining more and more attention as the pillars we've trusted begin to shake. Increasingly, anthropological evidence supports ancient Israel's international legacy. Using the Script and historic evidence, I argue that God scattered Israel's northern tribes to every nation on earth. This scattering inoculated all cultures and religions, so the goal is no longer to convert someone from one religion to another, but to use Earth's original Script to restore people to the faith or God of their most ancient ancestors. Just as the Script is not locked to Judaism and Christianity, so also the Protagonist isn't only the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies and typologies, but the fulfillment of a multitude of legends, cultures, and faiths across our globe. I have written about these themes and would love to discuss any of them or any of the books on my Amazon author page.

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