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Randy Belham

“Excellent communicator, business strategist, philanthropist, entrepreneur”


About Me

For over 20 years, I have built different businesses from the ground up. My background in finance, education, and customer services makes me a very polyvalent guest speaker.

I am fueled by my passion for understanding people and helping them get to the next level. Using the benefits of meditation, goal setting and personal coaching, I help people break through their roadblocks. I consider myself a ‘gentle giant’ eager to help people build their dream life.

My hunger for knowledge, combined with my determination to turn information into action, has contributed to the founding of 6 businesses. I have had the privilege to work closely with incredibly successful people in their fields, including Ajay Gupta (Financial Advisor), Walid Boudhiaf (Freediving World Record Holder), April Tobie (Miss Honduras Universe 2018), Rosemary Arauz (Miss Honduras Universe 2020), Elvira Devinamira (Miss Indonesia 2014), Lari Jousentlahti (Skating coach for pro hockey players) and many more. With my curious mind and communication skills, I have been able to model and distil their success model to help others achieve greatness.

My specialties include peak performance, leadership, negotiations, entrepreneurism and business strategies.

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