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Ralf Muller

“Ralf Muller's 22HERTZ: A Music Revolution with a Nine Inch Nails Edge”


About Me

Formed by the visionary Ralf Muller, 22HERTZ is a testament to the power of creative freedom and technological innovation in music. Known for their captivating blend of genres and pioneering use of blockchain technology, the band has carved a niche that defies conventional music industry norms. With each album and live performance, 22HERTZ continues to captivate audiences with their unique sound and artistic integrity.

Ralf Muller's musical journey began with the thunderous chords and intense rhythms of heavy metal, a genre embodied by his early work with Point Blank. This journey, marked by a constant thirst for musical exploration, took a transformative turn with the formation of 22HERTZ. At the core of this evolution is the iconic "Adrenochrome," which represents the fusion of various musical influences, culminating in a sound that is both innovative and timeless.

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