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Priya Tronsgard

“I'm a mom to 2 Neurodivergent Children, Founder of an Education Agency, Former Childcare Director with a background in Psychology & Author.”


About Me

My name is Priya Tronsgard, I'm an approachable & friendly mom who's born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. My deep sense of community has encouraged me to tell my story of navigating and thriving with my 2 Neurodivergent children.

I am soon releasing a book, "Radically Reframing: Three Principles for a Happy Neurodivergent Family."

My experience with Early Intervention and creating Inclusive programs for all kids, has taught me about what success for families can look like, no matter what the challenge.

My Educational Agency, Edify Learning Spaces, works with educators who use Social Emotional Learning to ignite a child's learning.

As a woman of colour and a child of a single father, I have insight on how families can face resilience and thrive.

As an entrepreneur with a strong sense of community, my action-oriented yet emotionally aware sense of purpose is a great driver to my success. I am hopeful that your listeners can find great value in my story.

I look forward to sharing your podcast with my thousands of followers on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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