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Phoebe Lyman

“Preconception Coach helping women get pregnant through REWILDING”


About Me

Quit Biohacking your fertility and start *Rewilding* it.

I'm Phoebe, a preconception coach and manual therapist. I help people get pregnant, but I'm not your typical fertility coach... I'm not going to recommend a supplement regimen, a strict diet, or exercise routine to "boost your fertility"

In my world, fertility flows from REWILDING your health and your body.

I teach clients how to reclaim their health (and therefore their fertility) through these pillars:

  • The intersection of capitalism and fertility wellness
  • Conscious conception and intentional family planning
  • Integrating self-care and lifestyle adjustments to support fertility

My work is at the intersection of fertility, personal development, and climate action.

How can we consciously and ethically bring children into this harsh world of climate disaster, deeply rooted capitalism that keeps us grinding in our 9-5 jobs to stay alive, and fragmented communities that leave us lonely and isolated?

People resonate with my message because they're looking for freedom, peace, and nature for their future babies.

As a coach, I help my clients rewild their life, from reconnecting with nature, to getting their hormones back on track through *simple* and *free* techniques. I help them grapple with creating a baby-friendly career, and re-weave a deeply supportive community in which to raise their babies.

Planning to have a baby isn't about buying cute onesies and decorating the nursery. It's about...

  • Addressing your tech addiction so your child doesn't grow up with parents who are on phones all day
  • It's about budgeting for regeneratively-raised meat and organic veggies so you can heal and your baby can thrive
  • its daily actions that choose consciousness and intention over 'going with the flow'
  • and its about SHEDDING the overculture, the expectations, and the popular models of birthing and parenting so you and your baby can be FREE.

Ask me how conscious conception can save humanity

Discover More

Los Angeles Manual Therapy

Support your fertility journey through abdominal massage and preconception coaching

Capitalism and Fertility Anxiety — Los Angeles Manual Therapy

Rewilding practices for conscious conception. Family planning in the anthropocene.

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