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Paul Marlow

“I am a mental health advocate and founder of Never Alone, a leading mental health help brand.”


About Me

Interesting topics about me:

  • Personal trainer for 12+ years
  • Drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays
  • A two-sport athlete at LSUS
  • Do weekly cold dips in the ocean in the winter for 10 minutes, for mental health benefits.. last week was -16c / 3.2f !!!
  • I microdose mushrooms (psychedelic) weekly for my mental health and work. I have done this for 4 years.

2017-2020 I went through the lowest part of my life so far.

2017-2018: I started showing signs of PTSD & High Anxiety from a long-term relationship ending, where my ex had BPD and the focus of her pain was on me.

2018-2019: My Dad got diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, in 10 months he had completely deteriorated and all of a sudden cancer took his life.

2019: I did MDMA Therapy with a registered therapist to help face my PTSD and anxiety - My MDMA Story

Throughout these 3 years I was depressed, anxious, stressed and it affected my work life, sexual life and everyday life.

I started slowly, finding my way back to normalcy again. In doing so, I started sharing my ups and downs, wins and fails, on social media.

Being honest and open online started growing a following, which I turned into Never Alone - Never Alone Website

Never Alone has been shared by many websites and valuable pages that help others, one being from Queens University, saying it is right beside CAMH (The Center For Addiction And Mental Health) on its Mental Health Resource page

Today I am working on changing the narrative of how mental health is talked about online, breaking the mould of the past and forging a new path.

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