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Noah Koff

“Since 1995 partnering with visionary people and building thriving online businesses”


About Me

A step-by-guide to scale to 8-Figures

Leaders hire me to go from scarcity with slow growth to dominating with their brand.

We partner to build businesses in a disciplined way — by attacking the chaos of startup life.

My way of working isn’t for everyone, since I don’t believe in growing crazy-fast with aggressive hustle. I've endured that approach and it's not my cup of tea (or effective).

My way of working is different because it’s focused on building skills, tools and mindsets.

My judgement comes from my own experience overcoming the obstacles of entrepreneurship to become a self-reliant and successful person.

Although my work solves for diverse problems and goals, I have a common set of beliefs.

➡️Scaling your business is not simply about strategy. Setting objectives is the right place to start, as part of a long term roadmap with measurable milestones. Mindset, and internal work to maintain a growth mindset is 80% what makes or breaks success as a business leader.

➡️I believe as the saying goes, vision without a plan is a dream. And by taking consistent massive action you can turn a vision into reality.

I want to layout my core values for you, which I've developed over decades building three of my own businesses and working for respected companies big and small; from New York to London and Portland.

Along the way, I’ve experienced many company cultures, and approaches to navigating growth, which have helped me develop a strong point of view about what's important for building great companies.

✅I believe in teamwork because good things happen when people work in close partnership to get stuff done.

✅I believe that establishing clear accountabilities keeps everyone focussed on doing the right things, at the right time, and with clear metrics for what success looks like.

✅I believe that diversity, equity and inclusion for people of all cultural backgrounds, genders and religions is central to an organization's success today and tomorrow.

✅I believe that critical thinking is an essential muscle for making good decisions, by balancing data analysis, intuition, with hands-on wisdom of what works and doesn't work.

✅ I believe that simple strategies are developed by ruthlessly eliminating 80% of what's not necessary.

✅I believe that continual learning; through ongoing education, measurable experiments, and respectful debate, fuels personal development and better outcomes.

✅I believe that balance keeps things moving in life and business -- between give and take, work and play, complexity and simplicity, kindness and ruthlessness.

✅I believe that being empathetic to customers and partners needs is good business and fuels innovation and healthy relationships.

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Noah Koff

As seen in Forbes, Fortune and Brainz. | Since 2017, helping hundreds of leaders just like you with systems, tools and accountability strategies to dominate a big category. | Trail Trekker | Doodle Dad.

Noah Koff | Source | Founder & CEO at Redwood Partners LLC.

Noah Koff, Portland, OR, USA. Founder & CEO at Redwood Partners LLC., with expertise in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Technology.

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