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Nichole Hamilton

“I am passionate about helping children heal with the unconscious mind. My mission is to create a world full of Kids Coaches!”


About Me

Hi, I am Nic, the Kidz Coach, and I am passionate about helping children heal with the unconscious mind. We have thousands of adult coaches, and we all return to our childhood memories to heal... Why not help our kids now? My mission is to create a world full of kidz coaches!!!

I talk all things children, 2-18, 

Motherhood / parenthood

Conscious parenting

Healing trauma in children

Holding safe space for kids to learn heal and play

Family Therapy

Teaching parents to use words more carefully and how to fill your own cup so you don't burn out.

I am a recovered Ice addict - hypnotherapy saved my life! I am bi-sexual married to a woman. I have a rainbow baby and I have three kids one on the Autism spectrum .

Not topic is off limits  

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