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Mohit Khanna

“I'm a Web Developer with upgraded skill-set including Mobile Development, Alexa Development, Music, and Podcasting. Hoping to move to USA!”


About Me

I'm a Web Developer, in my late 30s and have been busy with upgrading my skills since the start of the epidemic to move out of my country. I was dependent on my family for my life, and now I'm trying to move out and be employed for the work I can do.

I'm also a podcaster where I share music, and add my own philosophical thoughts to my podcast to talk about my life problems and how I am managing my daily struggle.

I hope to have a bright future in the Western Hemisphere, and am already working on Music and Web Projects to by hired by a label or a software company once the epidemic is over.

I've been to many countries in the world including USA (2 times) and Canada (4 times). I've also been to Europe and many Asian countries including Australia and China. I love travelling and that's why want to live and work and settle in the USA.

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