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Mickey Chandler

“Well known anti-spammer and anti-abuse and email policy compliance expert.”


About Me

I'm an easy to talk to person who has spent more than 20 years combatting online abuse. I've been working on improving deliverability since before "deliverability" was a word. I can talk to ordinary people about the history of email spam and scams, how to handle the junk email that you get, or even how to fight back and send in complaints about non-permission messaging. I can describe to marketers why their providers' policies exist, what they're thinking about when complaints come in, and how to defuse problems with blocklists.

I'm also a law student who will be graduating in May 2024 and took the bar exam in Feb. 2024. So, I can even discuss the legal side of email, permission, privacy, and data protection.

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Whizardries, Inc

Making sense of the arcane


Where spam and policy collide

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